We are an All-round taxicompany in Flushing. You can contact us for a taxi trip to one af the beautiful places in Zeeland, but we also offer transport solutions for your company.
We are specialized in Crew Changes for ships and shipping agents in the ports of Terneuzen and Flushing (Vlissingen). We know the procedures and our taxi drivers speak English. We can pick up your crew in Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, Brussels Airport, Antwerp Airport, Rotterdam Airport or any other place.
It is possible to pay with PIN, Mastercard, Maestro and VISA in the taxi.
Please contact us for further information. You can call directly to Tel 0118-460606.
(when you are on a mobile device, you can call us directly by clicking on the telephone number)
You can also send us an e-mail to info@taxicentralealtena.nl